Here am I, Send me.

To our favorite missionary in the mission field.

Dear Elder,
 This morning we held on tight knowing we will not get to see you in two years. We cried as we thought about you leaving and understanding the changes coming our way. We were excited for this next chapter and proud of your decision to serve those people who need you.

Elder, the people you reach out to and teach may never understand what you gave up as you were given the opportunity to travel far to meet them. You were set apart from the world and everything you have ever known just so you could fully submerge yourself in the service of their needs. They will probably never see the sacrifice it took leaving your family, friends, putting basketball on hold and completely giving up a social life. They won't understand what it was like when your family dropped you off and said our last goodbyes.

It is only the first official day of being a missionary and boy has it been one. We miss you so much already and can't stop crying and laughing at the memories we get to hold on to till your back. You were such a light in our lives and made such an impact on those around you here, we know everyone you come in contact with will be just as blessed.

You stepped forward in an answer of Heavenly Father's request in finding those who are lost. It does not matter what religion they may be, their situation, or circumstance you have chosen to set out and find those who just need YOU. They might just need a friend to talk to because they are alone, they might need some help around their house because age has come over them, they might be praying for a new start and need help finding the right connections, or they might even be looking for a church. Whatever it is, you are going to be there.

Your Father in Heaven loves each and every one of his children and has asked for those who are willing and able to step forward in service to reach out and give them the keys they need to return to him.

Isaiah 6:8
Also I head the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. 

Elder, you have stepped forward. You have heard the Lord's voice and you are acting upon the answer you received when you prayed to know the next step in your journey. You don't know it yet, but there are those who have been praying for you to come.

The scarifies you made were many, but they will never compare to the blessings you will receive as a missionary! You will not only be blessed now, but also after you return.

There will be many hard times especially here at the beginning, you might feel alone and lost, yourself. Always remember during the hardest times there is only one way, through. You will have to overcome different challenges, but Heavenly Father is there with you always, just ask.

He is with you always, as you come in contact with everyone you meet, he will be right by your side.

"And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for i will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." -D&C 84:88

Missionary, you are a blessing.

The people of Lansing Michigan need you and your service. There will be some to open their door and others who close, remember back to the time when you were ready to receive answers. Not everyone is ready, but when those who are, you will be there at just the right time and place. The Lord has a time line and things happen at specific times, just like the day you were given to depart. Timing is everything and things always happen for a reason.

Elder, we love you and are here to support you. You have so many people behind you. We cannot wait for the stories you will have.

Stay Humble, Be Kind and Pray.

those left behind cheering you on!


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