Isaiah 53:4-5

  "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:
yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him: and with his stripes we are healed."

  Happy Sunday!!
I love Sundays so much because in our household it is a day of family and rest. Today we woke up early, I made some homemade huckleberry pancakes and syrup and we made our way out on a hike. We love going to the mountains because that is where we feel we can escape from reality for a bit, no phone service, no Instagram, or Facebook and it just heals us from the crazy weeks prior. We have church in the afternoon and usually come home to a crock pot meal where the rest of the day is spent watching some Disney, or "feel good" movies and take long Sunday naps!  IT'S THE BEST!

 We dedicate our Sunday's to becoming closer to our Father in Heaven and using this day of the week to really take time and worship him. Every day of course we remember him and go about our day with him in mind, but it feels like Sunday is a day in which we are completely able to just focus on our Savior. Our week days are jam packed from 5:45am all the way to 8:00pm, so we always are looking forward to our "rest day."

  Today this scripture really stood out to me. I figured today would be just as good as any to share my testimony of the Savior. The relationship I have with him has been one full of forgiveness, strength and a love so strong I can't even comprehend. The last couple of weeks in church we have talked a lot about trails. How we overcome and find peace. There have been so many heart breaking stories shared. Stories of multiple loved ones lost, cancer, lost jobs, the list goes on. Multiple people have shared that even though these trials were some of the hardest times they would ever go through, they couldn't help, but be grateful for those experiences.
  It kind of made me look back at my life and my relationship with the Savior. As a little girl I remember always praying for my family, animals and all my toys, but I also remember praying for those family members who weren't with us anymore asking him to make sure they knew I loved them. I always found comfort in ending my prayers for those loved ones because I was so afraid they felt left out. I always felt like I was heard and they were taken care of.  When I was a teenager and I hated going to church and let my faith sit on the back burner. I didn't want anything to do related to church, but there was one thing I never ever stopped and that was pray. As a teenager I felt so alone, I had friends and my brothers were always there, but I felt so lost and alone no matter who I was with. I would pray for comfort and just to feel like someone was listening to me. Every single time I prayed, I felt his presence and I knew I was heard and all those people I always prayed for that had passed on were there in the room with me. There were multiple days and weeks were I wouldn't say a prayer because I knew I was not living a life I should be proud of, but when the overwhelming feeling of shame became too much I would turn to prayer in hopes I would still be heard and without a doubt I felt his love each and every time.

 As time went on and big decisions of engagement and marriage were put in front of me I turned to him for guidance and assurance. During those prayers I never had a doubt in my mind of the answer and thank goodness I listened because I am loved by one of the greatest men I know and have been blessed with a sweet little family.

 There were times He didn't hear from me for quite some time. I wasn't doing my part in keeping our relationship as strong as it could have been, but during my darkest hours I knew  he was there waiting to hear from me. After every single one of those prayers I could feel the pain, stress and worry lift from my shoulders. Every time I felt like I didn't deserve his love, it was confirmed in my heart of how powerful it really was.

 My trials have been many. There have been loved ones I felt left too soon, people I felt I could never forgive, tragedies and lessons I felt like I didn't deserve. During each of those trials I turned to him for strength. I turned to him for answers and I turned to him to help me love those who I did not think I could ever feel anything more than hate for. During the times of grief I felt peace. During tragedies I felt his hand in walking me through those long months. The lessons I was learning I felt like I had someone to talk to and understand my frustration. One of the biggest blessing in my life is knowing that even though I can't see them my Savior and everyone I love who have passed on are very close. They will never leave me and that gives me the most comfort.

 I know without a doubt that our savior loves me and knows me. I know he gave his life for me, you and everyone else who doesn't even know about him yet. I know he has an unconditional love for all of us and if we use the atonement it will only bring us closer to him. I believe with my whole heart he listens. Some of my prayers are randomly said out loud during a drive when Maverick is screaming his head off and I just need some reassurance it will end and this baby will finally fall asleep. Doesn't matter when, or where he is there. I am so grateful for all he has done and continues to do for me and my family. I know during times of trial I can turn to him for everything. I am so grateful to know that no matter how far I may stray, or how many time I might just need to talk he will always be there as my saving grace and because of him I will always find comfort, peace and strength.



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